This stunning Original Art piece, titled "Young Lady Kestrel," captures the essence of England's rural countryside with its delicate watercolour and pencil strokes. Measuring 13.5 x 17.5 inches (34 x 44 cm), this artwork is packed and posted flat for safe delivery. The subject, a graceful and delicate young Lady Kestrel, is a true inspiration and delight to behold. The artist's passion and skill are evident in every brushstroke, making this piece a must-have for any art collector or enthusiast.
The painting has been applied on to 100% cotton thick watercolor paper. The process of this painting shows in a series of videos uploaded on youtube.
Original art | Young Lady Kestrel | Watercolour and Pencils.
As a return policy this is an original painting and canot be replaced. If the painting accidentally gets damage via posting, please notify me via e-mail with a photo of the damage and return by posting as it was delivered back to me. Once the painting arrives I will refund your payment. Thank you.